A litter
Our first litter of Berners
2 puppies out of CH Pioneers Off to Oz v Krugerrand and CH Pioneers Liberty
C litter
11 puppies out of Pioneer's Que Que and CH Pioneers off to oz v krugerrand
B litter
Also out of CH Pioneers off to oz v Krugerrand and CH Pioneers Liberty 5 puppies
D litter
6 puppies out of Pioneers Tempest v oz and CH Ealey v.d. Buut Vrij Hoeve

E litter
CH Lionhearts Brodie v pioneer and CH Ledgewoods Summer Squall
G litter
7 puppies out of Pioneers Tempest v Oz and Moe v.d. Buut Vrij Hoeve
H litter
12 puppies out of Caraby's Mayflower madame and Moritz von Bartleshof

I litter
9 puppies out of Ledgewoods Madisonand Moritz vom Bartlshof

J litter
8 puppies out of Nuschka v Geissberg and Emilio vom Jauntal
L litter
9 puppies out of Ledgewoods Madison and Emilio vom Jauntal
M litter
10 puppies out of Ledgewoods Possum and Emilio vom Jauntal
N litter
8 puppies out of Nuschka v Geissburg and Emilio vom Jauntal
O litter
6 puppies out of Snocrest Michelle and Lionhearts It's all about me
P litter
9 puppies out of Lionhearts journey Forward and Swisskiss Avalanche Warning
Q litter
8 puppies out of
Myrtle vom Jauntal and Lionhearts It's All about me
R litter
8 puppies out of Snocrest Michelle and Emilio vom Jauntal
S litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts Journey Forward and Hoower Della Torro d'Ovardo

T litter
1 puppy out of Snocrest Michelle and Emilio vom Jauntal
U litter
8 puppies out of Myrtle vom Jauntal and Lionhearts It's all about me
V litter
7 puppies out of Gertrude vom Gipfelfeuer and Lionhearts Out of Control
X litter
3 puppies out of Gertrude vom Gipfelfeuer and Lionhearts Packin heat
W litter
8 puppies out of Marbens valle d'ampezzo and Lionhearts Packin heat
Y litter
6 puppies out of Lionhearts journey Forward and Lionhearts It's All about me

Z litter
6 puppies out of Myrtle vom Jauntal and Icon vom Gipfelfeuer
A litter
1 puppy out of Gertrude vom Gipfelfeuer and Tainach Tezer vom Jauntal
D litter
8 puppies out of Myrtle vom Jauntal and Hickory's All Steamed Up
E litter
4 puppies out of Soleil vom Jauntal and Lionhearts It's all about me
B litter
6 puppies from Lionhearts Journey Forward and Tainach Tezer vom Jauntal
C litter
8 puppies out of Talluaha vom Jauntal and Lionhearts It's All about me

F litter
6 puppies out of Talluaha vom Jauntal and Tainach vom Jauntal
G litter
4 puppie sout of Gertrude vom Gipfelfeuer and Hickory's Southern Lights
H litter
2 puppies out of Lionhearts Queen of the ring and Hickory's Southern Lights
I litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Under Surveillance and Hickory's Southern Lights

J litter
9 puppies out of Lionhearts Vivacious Vivian and Hickory's All steamed up
K litter
3 puppies out of Hickory's California Dreaming and Tainach Tezer vom Jauntal


L litter
6 puppies out of Lionhearts Agnes of dog and Lionhearts It's all about me
M litter
5 puppies out of Lionhearts Under Surveillance and Icon vom Gipfelfeuer
N litter
2 puppies out of Jolan vom Gipfelfeuer and V-Watcher vom Jauntal
O litter
11 puppies out of Lionhearts Agnes of dog and Hickory's All steamed up
P litter
9 puppies out of Lionhearts yesterdays gone and Hickory's river king v lefleur
Q litter
4 puppies out of Talluaha vom Jauntal and Hickory's All steamed up
R litter
6 puppies out of Jolan vom Gipfelfeuer and Lionhearts Unsung Heroes
S litter
8 puppies out of Lionhearts Agnes of dog and Hickory's River king lefleur
T litter
9 puppies out of Lionhearts Vivacious Vivian and Lionhearts Zero Tolerence
U litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Dirty little secret and Lionhearts It's all about me
V litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Gold Digger and Tainach Tezer vom Jauntal
W litter
4 puppies out of Myrtle vom Jauntal and Tulipanos Berni Feliz

X litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Have I told you lately and Devael's One man show
A litter
2 puppies out of Lionhearts Dirty little secret and Bugziere's Jetten to the top
Z litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Queen of the ring and Tulipanos Berni Feliz
B litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Agnes of Dog and Devael's one man show
Y litter
8 puppies out of Jolan vom Gipfelfeuer and Tulipanos Berni Feliz

C litter
2 puppies out of Devael's Fast n Furriest and Lionhearts Kalifornication
D litter
1 puppy out of Lionhearts Rocking the red light and Lionhearts Dangerous Liaison
E litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Have I told you lately and Devael's One man show
F litter
8 puppies out of Lionhearts oops I did it again and Devael's one man show

H litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts Dirty little secret and Bernewas Bronco b anderson
G litter
2 puppies out of Liohearts Queen of the ring and Astia's Sacred Warrior
I litter
10 puppies out of Lionhearts vivacious Vivian and Lionhearts Vote of Confidence
J litter
8 puppies out of Lionhearts Oops I did it again and Bernewas Bronco b anderson
K litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Queen of the ring and Devael's One Man show
L litter
9 puppies out of Amazing Beauty Czech Paws and Devaels' one man show

M litter
8 puppies out of Lionhearts Ya ain't seen nothing yet and Aengus at highoaks keep in mind
N litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts vivacious Vivian and Lionhearts Kalifornication
O litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Have I told you lately and Devael's One man show

P litter
10 puppies out of High Oaks Precious Peanut and Devael's One man show

Q litter
1 puppy out of Lionhearts Agnes of Dog and
Aegnus to high oaks keep in mind
U litter
5 puppies out of Lionhearts Ura Vez Mas and Aengus to highoaks keep in mind
T litter
2 puppies out of Lionhearts Rocking the red light and Lionhearts Vote of Confidence
S litter
7 puppies ouf of Amazing Beauty Czech Paws and Lionhearts Kalifornication
R litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts ya ain't seen nothing yet and Lionhearts Kalifornication
V litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Vivacious Vivian and Lionhearts Zero Tolerence
W litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Trouble Maker and Lionhearts Dangerous Liaison
X litter
4 puppies out of Jolan vom Gipfelfeuer and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Y litter
12 puppies ouf of Lionhearts Cha Ching and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Z litter
10 puppies out of Lionhearts Zero Inhabitions and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind

Letty's Boy band litter
5 puppies out of High Oaks Precious Peanut and Baron Findus vom Meddo See
Roxanne's solo litter
1 puppy out of Lionhearts Rocking the red light and Aengus to High oaks keep in mind
Ava's 68 litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts All About the base and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Cat's solo litter
1 puppy out of Lionhearts Cha Ching and Baron Findus vom meddo see
Nadia's Football litter
6 puppies out of Amazing Beauty Czech Paws and Lionhearts Hit em Hard
Dani's honor litter
6 puppies out of Lionhearts Dirty little secret and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Xenia's Bruno mars litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Xtenduating Circumstances and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Sybil's Queen litter
6 puppies out of Lionhearts Sexy and I know it and Baron Findus vom meddo see
Dani's Nemo litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Dirty little secret and Baron Findus vom meddo see
Oda Mae's Office litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Oops I did it again and Baron Findus vom Meddo see

Raisin's Rolling Stones litter
8 puppies out of Lionhearts Raisin the bar and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind

Roxanne's Pitch Perfect litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Rocking the red light and L-Sins-Skylans Under the gun
Zola's Beach boys litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts Zero Inhabitions and Hidn Oaks Tale of Courage Hope & Friendship
Oda Mae's beattle litter
6 puppies out of Lionhearts Oops I did it again and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Xenia's Justin Timberlake litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Xtenuating Circumstances and L-Sins_Skylans Under the gun

Andi's 2019 litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts A long time coming and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Dexi's boys
6 puppies out of Lionhearts Delusions of Grandeur and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Cat's charlies angel litter
3 puppies out of Lionhearts Cha Ching and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind

Toot's litter 2020
8 puppies out of Lionhearts Too Hot to Handle and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind

Willie's litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts What you see is what you get and Aengus to high oaks keep in mind
Aria's litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts ina Gadda Davita and Bugziere's Quintessential Collaboration - lionheart

Una's litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Uptown Funk and Bugziere's Quintessential Collaboration-Lionheart
Peach litter
7 puppies out of Lionhearts Even Miracles Take time and Lionhearts Hit em hard

Cat's litter
4 puppies out of Lionhearts Cha Ching and Lionhearts Quite the Solo Act

Tommie's litter
1 puppy out of Lionhearts Trouble Maker and Lionhearts Quite the Solo Act

Raisin's litter
Lionhearts Raisin the bar and Bugziere's Quintessential Collaboration-Lionheart
4 puppies

Aria's litter
Lionhearts Ina Gadda Davita and Bugziere's Quintessential Collaboration-Lionheart
9 puppies